Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Heavy Clouds!!!

Now I love clouds.. to me they are white and fluffy and like cotton. Yeah yeah - I'm still a kid at heart :)

But these clouds appeared heavily pregnant to me when I saw then on Friday 4th March :) ...

And sure enough - within 5 minutes we had rain. Buckets and buckets of it!!! So much so that we had flash flooding :)

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Friday, March 04, 2011

Water Plants

I have a few of these plants at home. Its actually quite expensive to buy but we managed to get it directly from the river on one of our trips...

Floating Cabbage...

I call it Floating Cabbage, as I have no idea what the real name is!!! I guess it is also called water cabbage.

I love water features - I find it so soothing so I am trying to have some water features around my house. This looks beautiful as well!!!
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Thursday, March 03, 2011

Creeping Up

Over the years I have always admired plants and flowers at various homes, resorts and of course in pictures. All the while having hope that maybe one day I would be able to have the same at some time in my life. 

Obviously tending to plants and gardens is labor of love and it can take years to bear fruit. I have always wanted creepers and if I was even slightly artistic I would have painted the vines and flowers and lush foliage on the walls and ceilings at home. But accepting my limited talents I have been actively searching for stencils and at the same time tending to creepers (concrete cover at home). It has been over an year and I can proudly showcase at least one post!!!

Afternoon Sun - Really sets off the color combination

Looks beautiful especially with the wind chimes in place.
Trying to capture both sides
Now this looks amazing..
Up Up And Over

Its doing beautifully and now its trying to cover the ceiling. Unfortunately Mum doesn't want the ceiling covered with creepers so I'll need to remove it :(.

But I like the creeper effect so far.... 

I have some projects outlined for this weekend - I'll write more tomorrow.

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