Monday, March 31, 2008

Pouring Weekend!!

What a weekend I had... It was pouring cats and dogs and really the prospect of any outdoor activities were practically nil!!! Noteworthy events of the weekend: Mom, rain, rugby, rain, more rain, water cuts, rain!!!

Mom is doing ok now. We are watching her very very closely... And I really mean closely... Whenever I wake up at night I creep into her room just to check on her... Believe me she has received a few frights coz of this... Nearly gave her a heart attack - she claims!! So now I have to really refrain myself. I can now understand and really appreciate what the parents go through when the kids are sick. The sleepless nights, worrying all the time and the anxieties!!! Wow!!!

Anyway she is on new meds and so far its good. Touchwood!!

I had planned on doing some gardening but the rain has sort of put a damper on my plans. I really love gardening. Actually I love the outdoors and take on activities which makes sure I'm out in the open and under the big blue sky. While staying in Suva, due to the restriction of space, I used to plant miniature cactus in pots. Now since I'm with my parents I haven't had a chance to really dig in my spade :) Every weekend its either one thing or the other and it has rained maybe 98% of the time!!!

Movies that I saw:

  • Final Season - true story about baseball. Really good.
  • Jumper - ok movie.
  • Reaper - TV series - 1st Season... - Good comedy. Watched the entire first season.
Movies that I bought and have to see:

  • Mad Money
  • Accidential Marriage
  • Khoya Khoya Chand - (Mom wanted this so....)
  • Dus Khahaaniya - (Again Mom...)
  • Winter Passing
  • (I forgot the names for the rest of the movies)
Books I read ( All are re-reads/revisits):

  • Bumbs - Zoe Barnes : I really have to write more on this... Great book!!!
  • Angels & Demons - Dan Brown
  • The Da Vinci Code - Dan Brown
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7's Rugby

There are no words to describe my feelings right now... Fiji played a very good game but New Zealand were better. It was a sad sad day for everyone here when Fiji bowed out of the tournament after losing to New Zealand in the Semi's... I switched to movies as soon as score reached 14-0 in favor of N.Z. I just couldn't take the tension :(. But the players played well... The better team won... yeah ... yeah... yeah!!! whatever :(

Link to the story: Fiji Games

This just goes to show that no matter how fit the team players are... teamwork is needed to win. Fiji should work on team-play from now on and maybe just maybe consider letting the little Maestro, who is so willing, to play for Fiji. It was disheartening to see Serevi in Hong Kong but coaching another team... Gordon is right... Serevi is the best player in the world!!!

Link to the Story: Serevi was Fiji

After last years 15's World Cup Sam had declared that he will switch to cheering for Silver Ferns :) Well Sam your All Blacks are back now!!! 5 wins OUT OF 5 Tournaments... Thats impressive...

In my opinion the best Team overall performance were Kenya after New Zealand... They are starting to come-up and soon they'll be a force to reckon with....
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Friday, March 28, 2008

HK 7's

One thing that Fiji stops for is rugby... By just saying that the people are rugby crazy is seriously understating the passion that each individual has for this game.

Today marks the most eagerly awaited tournament of the year - the Hong Kong 7's Rugby. So from today till Sunday everyone who don't really have to be out earning a living will be glued to their TV sets watching the game. Fiji has a very impressive lineup and it should be interesting.

I myself get so tensed up that I do not watch the finals if Fiji is playing... I just cannot take the tension. But the cheering and booing coming from the neighboring houses is a good indication of exactly whats happening!!!

Fiji's biggest rivals are Samoa and New Zealand. New Zealand has been in impressive form in the past games of this season. They have won all 4 games so far...

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Mommy dearest has been allergic to aspirin and penicillin most of her adult life. Her doctors may have changed but on every medical folder she has this written in indelible ink. Late last year one freaking new doc prescribed her low dosage aspirin based tabs to thin her blood. Despite the fact that mom has severe allergic reactions he bloody well gave her the tabs and she took it for two months. He definitely needs his head examined!!!I have no idea what was the reason for this meek compliance. She definitely gives us an earful if we tell her to take any medicine!!!! And believe me she is very smart and shrewd. I think it was the distinction of the person…a doctor… hmmm I definitely should have gone into medicine…
After the last episode – tongue swelling… which bloody well nearly killed her… she started having symptoms of peptic ulcers… The tabs had destroyed the intestinal lining and it has been agonizing to watch her writhe in pain… We can’t even see her wince and then we have to stand aside helplessly while she goes through this painful episode… Believe me it has been bloody painfully frustrating… I must have aged at least 10 years in the last 5 days. For more than a month we have been going for checkups, getting second opinions, doing more research etc etc… I think dad has cracked his skull too…From all his imploring prayers…and I don’t mean this in jest...
Her scan today showed that there aren’t any major problems. Dad’s prayers have been answered!!! He needs to go for a X-Ray now. I’m thinking of getting an endoscopy (stomach and intestinal) done for Mum as well. But will need to get Mum’s agreement for this.
It has been one heck of a month. There is no need to even think what I'll do to the Doc should I ever meet him!!!!
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There is alot of talk going on regarding Earthhour...

Here is a a simple explanation:

"What is Earth Hour?
Earth Hour is one designated hour which numerous cities around the world have decided to recognize as an hour for energy conservation. For 1 hour, between 8-9pm on Saturday, March 30th, participating cities and countries are encouraging their residents to turn off all non-essential lights and electric devices.
- Cities around the world will join together in literally turning off the lights for one hour to offer leadership and symbolize their commitment to finding climate change solutions.
- Lights will be turned off at iconic buildings and national landmarks from 8 p.m. to 9 p.m.
- Local businesses and restaurants will also be asked to turn off their lights.
- People at home can take advantage of the hour by replacing their standard light bulbs with energy-efficient compact fluorescent bulbs."

For more information just checkout their website.
I'll post more on this later...
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Thursday, March 27, 2008

Route 2 Work...

Check this out...
I borrowed this pic from a colleague... I wanted some snaps of the cows and horses but unfortunately could not get it...

I love animals and I go absolutely gaa-gaa over the well fed, well groomed, cows and horsies.... I ooohhh and aaahhh every time I see them... which is every morning and afternoon... I see them on route to work, around work almost everywhere...

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Bloody March!!!

The title reflects my mood I guess...

This month has been really crappy.... ooohhh I feel like hitting something!!! Hopefully April will be better....

  • Frustrations throughout the month - feeling that sense of utter helplessness when someone close to you falls very sick.... Its like for every step forward that we are taking a dozen steps backwards. I'm feeling really low...
  • Full of tension and stress... the sense of having achieved nothing either personally or professionally in my opinion- again more frustration
  • Finally found out that that the person I dig ahem ... meaning- like... has moved halfway across the world!!! Now thats very very sad... unfortunately he had no idea!!! Now I've lost my chance :( shoot!!!
I'll write when I feel slightly better...
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Thursday, March 13, 2008

Choooo chweet

pI love animals... And I am crazy over the canine breed.... We have 4 doggies and we really spoil them alot. You only have to see them to know that :) Very very rolly polly kind...

So I simply couldn't resist posting these images. So..... Enjoy....!!!

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Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Last Weekend.

I have a blurred recall of my last weekend. It went by so fast. Nothing really registered. I had made full plans for the 3 days and only managed to do maybe 10% of it.. Sigh...

Mum has been commenting that the days are getting shorter now so I know that its not only me who can't fit everything in that 24hrs minus 8hrs for sleeping etc etc

We (my family) went to Nadi Temple on Sunday.. yeah again!! I have sort of put it into our family outing calendar that we visit this temple once a month. Dad seems to be enjoying it. I love seeing him make the rounds of the temples like a kid. So so cute. This temple was built in 1996-1997. I visited it for the first time only after returning from India and I still marvel at the workmanship. Its really beautiful and the main thing is that its not overly crowded whenever we visit - i.e. @ 6a.m.

Heres a small extract on it

Sri Siva Subramaniya Temple in Nadi in Fiji

Fiji is a proud land of diverse culture. This island is a favorite tourist spot for all. If you come over to Fiji, you will discover the exquisiteness of the place, thanks to the some of the incredible sceneries, the colorful lifestyle of the inhabitants, the places of interest and the list goes on. Dubbed as an oasis of relaxation, this place can certainly sweep your mind with its natural splendor. There are innumerable places of visit in this part of the world. Thus, sightseeing in Fiji is something that you cannot afford to miss out at any cost. Sri Siva Subramaniya Temple in Nadi in Fiji is one such place that deserves a mention.
Sri Siva Subramaniya Temple in Nadi in Fiji is the biggest Hindu temple of the Southern Hemisphere. This temple stands as a marvelous architectural structure in Fiji. This temple is devoted to God Murugan. And the statue of God Murugan is placed in the main temple. Ganesh temple, the Meenakshi and Shiva temple are present in the other parts of the complex. Sri Siva Subramaniya Temple in Nadi in Fiji simply exudes elaborate craftsmanship. From the respective statues to the overall design of the temple, everything seems to be crafted with acute finesse and flair.
Every little design has a pious connotation as the building was built in order to bring out the correct vibrations. As for the architecture, the customary Dravidian architecture of the temple simply goes beyond words. Craftsmen were brought from India to erect this majestic structure. Sri Siva Subramaniya Temple in Nadi in Fiji is very popular amongst the people around. Visitors come from all corners of the earth to witness this amazing architectural marvel. This holy temple conducts religious ceremonies all throughout the year as millions of people come over to this temple to offer their prayers.

I have yet to buy a camera... every Saturday I run out of time and do not get a chance to really look around. Hopefully I'll do it this weekend. Once thats done I'll get loads of pics loaded.

A major highlight of the weekend was that I got to touch base with a great friend of mine. Infact he called me and we talked for a short time. But the interesting bit is that he might not be single for long. I like to think of it as disappointing :( but as a friend I'm happy for him... Hopefully he'll keep in touch to give me the news soon...

Thats it from me today...
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New Template...

I just put in a new template. I love the design. Very simple, very neat and very elegant.
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Thursday, March 06, 2008

Some Changes on the Blog...

I have been trying to make a few changes to my blog. So there might be changes every time. Hopefully It'll get better. I added a site meter today. This gives me a traffic report though to be truthful I don't expect anyone else to read these... Its so jumbled... sigh!!!

Anyways I have been looking around for changing the design aspects of the blog. I personally do not like things to be stagnant for long... I want to add daisies and tulips or maybe add swords and sabers!!! :) I love animals too... or maybe add books. See how confused I am... :)

Nah... I'm not confused.. I just like so many things that its hard to put it all here...

Some of the things that I will include as part of the contents (most likely as links)

  • A blog about my fave books and movies
    • I love reading. My room is filled with books and there is no particular genre. I just love books. And while staying in Suva I was dedicated movie watcher. I used to buy loads of movies and watch it at my then home. So I want to write about my likes and fave items in this section.
  • A blog about food
    • I love food and since January I have become a vegetarian :) I love vegetarian food and since Mum's cooking nowadays I have left meat etc... Well not completely but I really don't feel like eating meat now... But this blog will be about the special taste of paradise...
  • Traveling and sightseeing
    • I travel 180km per day so I should be able to write something. Just imagine how boring that'll be :) Haven't really thought it out but I will post something about it later. I love travelling so I'm looking forward to this.
Highlight of the Day

Its MahaShivRatri and after a very long time (over a decade) I'll be celebrating it at home with my parents. Every year I have either done the pooja alone or gone to temple alone so I'm really excited about this evening. In hindi I would say that he is my "isht" god. My very favourite!!!

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Maha Shiv Ratri

In Fiji all Hindus are celebrating Maha Shiv Ratri today. Despite the fact that we live

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