Friday, March 28, 2008


There is alot of talk going on regarding Earthhour...

Here is a a simple explanation:

"What is Earth Hour?
Earth Hour is one designated hour which numerous cities around the world have decided to recognize as an hour for energy conservation. For 1 hour, between 8-9pm on Saturday, March 30th, participating cities and countries are encouraging their residents to turn off all non-essential lights and electric devices.
- Cities around the world will join together in literally turning off the lights for one hour to offer leadership and symbolize their commitment to finding climate change solutions.
- Lights will be turned off at iconic buildings and national landmarks from 8 p.m. to 9 p.m.
- Local businesses and restaurants will also be asked to turn off their lights.
- People at home can take advantage of the hour by replacing their standard light bulbs with energy-efficient compact fluorescent bulbs."

For more information just checkout their website.
I'll post more on this later...


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