Mommy dearest has been allergic to aspirin and penicillin most of her adult life. Her doctors may have changed but on every medical folder she has this written in indelible ink. Late last year one freaking new doc prescribed her low dosage aspirin based tabs to thin her blood. Despite the fact that mom has severe allergic reactions he bloody well gave her the tabs and she took it for two months. He definitely needs his head examined!!!I have no idea what was the reason for this meek compliance. She definitely gives us an earful if we tell her to take any medicine!!!! And believe me she is very smart and shrewd. I think it was the distinction of the person…a doctor… hmmm I definitely should have gone into medicine…
After the last episode – tongue swelling… which bloody well nearly killed her… she started having symptoms of peptic ulcers… The tabs had destroyed the intestinal lining and it has been agonizing to watch her writhe in pain… We can’t even see her wince and then we have to stand aside helplessly while she goes through this painful episode… Believe me it has been bloody painfully frustrating… I must have aged at least 10 years in the last 5 days. For more than a month we have been going for checkups, getting second opinions, doing more research etc etc… I think dad has cracked his skull too…From all his imploring prayers…and I don’t mean this in jest...
Her scan today showed that there aren’t any major problems. Dad’s prayers have been answered!!! He needs to go for a X-Ray now. I’m thinking of getting an endoscopy (stomach and intestinal) done for Mum as well. But will need to get Mum’s agreement for this.
It has been one heck of a month. There is no need to even think what I'll do to the Doc should I ever meet him!!!!
Docs somehow have become irresponsible off-late. In fact, people in "essential" services, in general, have become irresponsible. reason could be, all the good people take the technology line and leave the essentials to average or below average crowd. Until we take step forward the man those seats with able/deserving people, there is no solution.
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