Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Think Alot

I received this very interesting email today. It talks about marriage and gives reasons why NOT to get married. Now now... read before jumping to conclusions... This is for everyone.

Reasons NOT to get married

You should probably not get married if...

  • You are unwilling to put the needs of another person above your own.
  • You are easily offended, carry grudges and are unwilling to forgive.
  • You are an abusive person (mentally, emotionally, physically).
  • You do not share the same beliefs, values, life priorities or vision.
  • You have an unresolved addiction problem.
  • Your career is the most important thing in your life.
  • You are unwilling to be an active partner with your spouse.
This seemed note worthy...


Prabhat said...

Well.. some wise person said,
"People with common vision and values should only get married same as two companies with same vision and values get merged."

All other qualities are basic human qualities. So, a human should marry a human, not a "LION" !!!

Annjelyn Shalvina said...

Hi Prabhat.... Totally agree with you on this...

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