Monday, July 21, 2008

New Tricks

I had a great weekend!!! Didn't do much... stayed home as usual but it was great!!!

Reason: I think my doggie taught me a new trick :)...

It was great... I was trying to get them to run around and all they were doing were barking at me. I think they were just repeating my directions rather loudly back to me :)... And when it became apparent they I didn't have a clue as to what was being said to me they all trotted back to sit on their cosy little mattress leaving me pacing around in frustration. So I just opened my arms and called to them...

Come baby... come!!!

Like you'd do to your baby... and boy... they ran towards me.... tongues rolling, ears flapping, paws flying over the tiles, body crouched low and running so so fast.... It was the best moment of my life.... you can say that my heart melted on the spot :)

I was the proudest person at the time... coz I learnt a trick from my cutie doggies!!!


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