Thursday, May 08, 2008

Mother's Day

Mother's Day is on Sunday 11th May 2008. Just a mere four days away. I almost wish that it was further down in the year... I guess I'm just worried about how the day will turn out. Funny enough I'm not this wary about any other day (that is apart from Birthdays) so I have no idea why I'm having this swamp of butterflies in my stomach. Is it that I am not sure of how exactly the day will turn out to be... maybe!!

I aired my views on the commercial aspects of this day a few days ago. I still feel the same. And every time I hear a jingle or see some ads on TV I tend to complain out loud. Just the other day I realized.. (it was quite dramatic actually) that my Mum might not share my views. This happened right in the middle of one of my tirades and I did stop half way and gazed at Mum. Thats when I asked her if she wanted anything special for Mothers Day.

I know I know that gifts should be given and not prompted for. Otherwise what's the value of the gift right... But we also have a sort of a rule at home - Don't buy anything without getting some sort of consent. Ever since I moved back home we have got too much stuff. Two of everything and literally we are running out of space - bursting at the seams so to speak. At the time we decided as a family not to purchase anything without discussing it first. And believe me you won't want to break that rule especially since my Mum was the one who made it. She is not called "Mother General" for nothing.

So I asked if there was something that she wanted or needed... But it was in a very discreet manner. Also I pointed out that if the day comes and she starts pouting then I will feel really bad... Tried using psychology on her. Turned out she didn't fall for it. She really doesn't "want" anything. So now I'm free to buy her whatever I want...

Some of the options that I have are:
  • Go for lunch or dinner : This is not possible since she is on a special diet right now (Allergy Reaction to certain foods and spices)
  • Pamper her: I'll try my level best but she really doesn't sit still for a minute. I get exhausted just watching her. I cannot even cook without being supervised and I have lived on my own for sooo long.
  • Take her for a long drive: I'm trying to get my Dad to do this every weekend. Sort of give them alone time together so will see about this.
  • Buy her something special - this I'll definitely do...
Actually I have already bought her the pressies but will check out the stores again... Maybe I'll find something more.

One of the things that I'm very worried about is her emotional status on this day. I can't stand to see tears in her eyes so I'm really bracing myself.

One of the main causes, I know, would be the absence of my brother. They are close so she will miss him and no matter how "good" a daughter I am I can never fill that void. The other reason would be the absence of my Grandma (Nanna) on this occasion. She passed away in 2002 and we all miss her but again I cannot even imagine the depth of that loss from my mothers point of view.

I sometimes try to imagine life without Mum and Dad in it. It is impossible. If the mere thought is impossible for me then how would those people feel who lost their Mums. It is too deep an emotion cum pain to even fathom.


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